Nákup přenosných počítačů (2023/3)

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2311100022527. 04. 2023AUTOCONT a.s.960 585,12793 872,00960 585,12793 872,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailALWIL Trade, spol. s r.o.Praha1 119 782,40925 440,00CZK
DetailAUROTON COMPUTER, spol. s r.o.Praha1 144 176,00945 600,00CZK
DetailAUTOCONT a.s.Ostrava960 585,12793 872,00CZK
DetailYOUR SYSTEM, spol.s r.o.Praha1 295 125,921 070 352,00CZK
DetailDATECO,s.r.o.Praha1 206 844,32997 392,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

231110002252023960 585,12793 872,00